Sarum Bikers Mcc – September to Remember 2023

This was an excellent, chilled out rally to finish the season for us. After initially getting stuck in the mud after an overnight downpour, the weather turned out fine and sunny for the rest of the weekend. Music kicked off with the Junkyard Dogs, blues at its finest. Some friends turned up with a fine […]
Ogri Mcc 45th Anniversary

Arrived early for a leisurely set up, while the sun was still shining. Managed to catch up with loads of peeps we hadn’t seen for ages. Sold stuff, bought stuff and got drunk. An excellent time was had by all. Managed to suprise Bowser with a personalised Ogri tie to ensure he was suitably attired […]
Sarum Bikers

Sarum-Biker-2023 Sarum Bikers MCC 2023 Sarum-Biker-2023-MrTrev-birthday Mr Trev’s birthday celebrated in style with port, cheese and crackers Sarum-Biker-2023-Claire-1 Claire nicks her mates wings and fuelled by copious amount of alcohol makes a quick splat around the field to many cheers from the crowd. Sarum-Biker-2023-Claire-2 Sarum-Biker-2023-Claire-3 Magnificent. The grin said it all Sarum-Biker-2023-the-end The end